Thursday, September 10, 2009

Planning Digital Narratives

We've been looking at plot and analyzing the plot line all week. We analyzed the film State of Play. We examined shorts stories by Ronald Dahl & Ray Bradbury (Thanks Mr Yunk for sharing from your collection). Tomorrow we'll be looking at the plot line in sit-coms. We see how comedies setup their climax rather than build to a climax with rising action. Students will view a 21 minute episodes and break down the plot of multiple comedy shows. By now, the following terms should be clearly understood for many types of narrative:

Main Conflict/Central Idea
Rising Action
Falling Action
Setting = Time & Place

In the near future, we need to cover the following elements in greater depth
Character Traits
Character Foil
Supporting Characters
Character types relating to specific genre (e.g. The Girl, The Friend, Comic Relief, Trickster Figures, etc)

Looking forward to the next two weeks- students will create their own digital narratives. Some options include Memoir, Interview, Commercial, Song. Students are encouraged to get creative and think outside the box. They will determine if their story fiction or non-fiction. They will also receive individualized support to create their digital narrative. The planning form featured below will be an integral part of the student's digital narrative piece.