Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Author Study

As we enter day 3 of our author study, I have decided to move away from Moodle and try Google Docs. Google released a new feature earlier this week called Sidewikis. Sidewiki's allow people to create links within Web Pages. This is just one more giant step for creating a personal web. So far this year, we have created web sites, constructed digital narratives, and now we're doing our first author study. I want to continue to incorporate technology into what we do. 
One reason why I want to move away from Moodle is the fact that Wiki entries can only be edited by one person at a time. As we've already seen- Google Docs can be edited by multiple people simultaneously. Since we all have Google Apps it should work smoothly. 
Here are the links to your documents (I'm pretty sure you'll have to log in to make corrections):
AM Literacy Jake, Revisted
PM Literacy Jake, Revisted
PM Literacy Son of the Mob

On a somewhat personal note, today is also the first day Google Wave invitations go out. I'm desperately hoping for 1 of the 100,000 invitations. I think we could use this for our Literacy class immediately. If I get it, I'll fill you in on what I want to do with it. I hope I get the golden ticket (the original is so much better).

I will continue to post controversial topics of the week & you'll have an opportunity to earn Technology Learning Targets each week...more will be revealed.

Over the next few days, you'll be getting a form emailed to you. Please answer it honestly & you don't even have to leave your name. The form will let me know what I need to do better as a teacher. I'll also post the form on the blog. Please don't use this as an opportunity to let me know how funny you are, or how terrible I am. If you answer honestly, it will help me to become a better teacher-

1 comment:

Mrs Van Hout said...

Great story! It made me smile.