Is it happening again? Can Kimberly reach the state championship again? Remember last year at Madison.. It was very cold game. Cold enough so you can see your own breath. Remember the crowd? Kimberly out-numbered DeForest, just like we out-numbered all the other team's crowds. Recall the feeling of the crowd so desperatly cheering on the team. Everytime Kimberly made a play the crowd went wild. The noise of everything went through the veins of everyone. This game meant everything. No matter who you were at the game whether'd you be a student, parent, teacher, senior-citizen, kid, we were all in this together. The feeling of a touchdown putting Kimberly in the lead, and another one to push the lead greater was unbearable. Everytime that happend the kimberly side was given rich paychecks of excitment, and heart. Everyone on Kimberly's side was focused on the game. Not just the players, but everyone was in this game together. One heart, one team, one goal, win. The final seconds of the game was a nucular explosion of emotion. Kimberly won 20-7. The first state championship Kimberly had ever won. Remeber that trophy. The one with the huge golden shiny football with state champs on it? Well another one is reach. Kimberly is so close of grabbing another state title. With one more game until the State game can Kimberly do it again?