Tuesday, September 30, 2008

CORE Open House/Pancake Dinner

Who: CORE Charter School students and their families.
When: Monday, October 6th 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.
Where: Kimberly High School Rooms 30 & 32
Why: To update parents on their student’s progress.

To eat pancakes!

PLEASE !!!!!
RSVP by Friday October 3 to:
687-3024 ext.6332 or


Friday, September 26, 2008

Making it on Minimum Wage-

On Monday, we will be starting Nickel and Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich. This is book is non-fiction and is a difficult read; however, it will be read aloud to students and each reading will have student driven discussion. Students had a great discussion after watching Morgan Spurlock's 30 Days episode Living on Minimum Wage. CORE Charter School students also received a case study in which they had to role play their own debits and credits. My question to the students is this: what did you get out of your situation- were you able to live on your income? Why or why not?

Monday, September 8, 2008

Bring in your favorite poster

Student's may bring in their favorite poster. CORE Charter School needs some charm and student's should feel free to bring in a poster which will be displayed near their learning area. All posters should be school appropriate.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

CORE Charter School Needs YOU!!!

CORE Charter School needs a mascot/logo and you can help. Mrs. Van Hout and Mr. McCabe are in the market for CORE Charter School shirts; however, the charter school does not yet have a mascot/logo. On MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 15TH, CORE Charter School staff will select the new mascot/logo for CORE Charter School.
Participants in the contest are asked to submit the following:
  • Sketch of the Logo/mascot
  • T-shirt design
Keep in mind the school colors of CORE Charter School are Black, White, and Baby Blue (Carolina Blue). CORE stands for Caring Opportunities to Recover Education. If you want to incorporate a saying or slogan with your design- feel free to do so. Good Luck-

Monday, September 1, 2008

Welcome Back!!! A note to the students' & parents'...

I hope everyone had a great summer! Over the next few days, Mrs. Van Hout and I will be meeting with each of you to discuss what you'll be working on during the first quarter.

Both the AM & PM group will start out the year examining non-fiction text. Difficult and controversial issues such as the death penalty, incarceration of juveniles, and the war in Iraq will be addressed. I am going to introduce the death penalty during the first few days of school. Students will select other topics to investigate. Student's will engage in debates with their peers, analyze journal articles, and create a project to present to the class. Sensitive controversial topics will be covered. As with any assignment in CORE Charter School, students may opt out and request an alternate assignment. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

CORE Charter School received 75 new books over the summer. Students will have an opportunity to craft their own learning plan, and I feel confident in the curriculum which will be provided to each member of CORE Charter School.

Please continue to regularly check the blog for updates!